Weekly Poem Challenge

Since spring of 2020, I’ve been participating in a weekly poetry challenge with my fellow #PBChat mentees, and our mentor. We take turns choosing a word, and have a week to compose a poem. The chosen word needs to be used in rhyme. It has been fabulous to see what the other three poets create, and to inspire my creativity with a prompt (I LOVE prompts!). Here is my poem form last week, our word was “snail”:


Snail sees pail,

climbs up the side.

But at the top—

begins to slide! 

Clink and crack!

The poor snail fell.

Lands on his back—

a broken shell! 

Sirens blare

as ambul-ants,

cruise all along 

the garden plants.

“Don’t move, son,

we’re here for you!”

Out comes a tube

of Superglue! 


Susanna Hill’s Valentiney 2021!


PJ Library!